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Lyve Cloud + Komprise

Reduce Storage Costs & Increase Data Usability

Analyze, mobilize, and monetize file and object data across clouds, data centers, and the edge.

The Seagate Advantage for Data Orchestration

Unlock your unstructured data's potential from a single platform to easily search, find, and tag the exact files you want across all your data locations and move the right unstructured data to your modern Seagate® system and Lyve® Cloud data platform.

Get fast and meaningful insights

Analyze your data in the background with Komprise

Capture massive volumes of unstructured data

Seagate® creates unparalleled partner integration and compatibility while accelerating IT cost reduction with a predictable TCO model.

Utilize patented Komprise Elastic Data Migration

Enable continuous data visibility and optimization for simpler, faster, and more reliable data migrations.

Maximize savings and enhance performance

Analyze and transparently tier cold data files from any NAS without access disruption of hot data.

Lyve Cloud & Komprise

Stop Treating Data the Same

To better manage explosive data growth, get more value from your file and object data by understanding what’s cold and what’s not.
Solution Brief

Reduce Storage Costs with Native Cloud Access

One platform to manage all unstructured data—increase visibility, mobility, and value.

Seagate Lyve Cloud

Edge-to-Cloud Mass Storage Platform

Future-Proof Your Storage White Paper
A Seagate Report

Future Proof Your Storage

Understand the importance of modernizing infrastructure for data growth across hybrid, edge, and cloud ecosystems.

Ready to Learn More?

Our storage specialists are here to help you find the right solution for your data challenges.