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This article is for informational purposes only and no longer being updated by Seagate.

Ethernet Disk Mini - Settings

There are three categories of users on the Ethernet Disk mini – Administrator, Regular user, and Guest user.
  • Administrators have the most access privileges, the ability to create other administrator accounts and access to the administrative settings.
  • Regular users have access to all features and applications, can invite guest users to use the Ethernet Disk mini Home and can make changes on their own accounts through MySettings.
  • Guest users typically only have viewing or downloading privileges.

General Settings
    In General Settings you can change your display name, password and language. You can make all of the changes at the same time and save them with one click of the Save Changes button. To change your display name:
    1. Click in the Display Name field.
    2. Enter a new name.

    Note: Your user name and display name can be different if you choose, but you must enter your user name when signing into the Ethernet Disk mini. To change your password:
    1. Click the Change Password button. The Change Password window opens.
    2. Enter your current password in the Current Password Field.
    3. Enter your new password in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields.
    4. Click the Change Password button.
    Note: New passwords must be at least 5 characters long. To change your Language:
    1. Select a language from the Language menu.
    2. Click Save Changes.

    MyContacts Settings
      In My Contacts Settings you can change the number of contacts displayed in your contacts list. Just select a number from the menu and click Save Settings.

      File Settings
        In File Settings you can change the maximum number of files and folders displayed on each page, the return email address appearing on sharing email you send and the default action that occurs when two files of the same name are placed in a folder on your Ethernet Disk mini Home.
        • To change File List settings, select the number of files to display from the drop-down menu. Marking the “Show the number of folders and files in each folder” box displays folder contents information in the Type column of the File List.
        • To change sharing settings, enter an email address in the “Return email address” field. When you share files or folders with your contacts, this email address will appear in the “From:” field.
        • To change file name settings, select an action from the “When two files have the same name” drop-down menu.

        When you’re done, click Save Settings.