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Label software can not see the drive.

Label software can not see the drive.

If the drive and the software have been fully updated from the updates available off of our website, but SureThing labeler is still not seeing the drive as a lightscribe drive, try the following procedure:

  1. Click "Start" and choose "run". On Windows Vista, press [Windows button] + [R] on the keyboard.
  2. Type "regedit" and choose "OK".
  3. Make a backup of the registry by choosing "File", then "Export". Give the file a name, and save it to the desktop. This allows the registry to be restored in the event of a mistake.
  4. Double-click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".
  5. Double-click on "SOFTWARE".
  6. Double-click on "Microsoft".
  7. Double-click on "Windows NT".
  8. Double-click on "CurrentVersion".
  9. Click on "Winlogon". Check the value "allocatecdroms" on the right column. If this is 1, set it to 0. If it is already 0, do not change anything.
  10. Click OK, and close the Registry Editor. Restart the computer.

If the value needed to be changed, the problem should be solved.