Lyve Cloud + CyArk

3D 数据的集中式存储

Lyve Cloud 帮助 CyArk 简化文化遗产的数字化保护。


为世界上最重要的历史遗址创建数字 3D 模型并将其提供给历史学家、研究人员和教育工作者并非易事。Seagate® Lyve™ Cloud 帮助组织更有效地管理、访问和共享其海量数据项目库。

Time Savings

借助 Lyve Cloud,CyArk 员工现在可以在一天内完成过去需要数周才能完成的任务。

Better Collaboration
全球可用的 3D 项目数据

CyArk 的全球和全面远程团队可以随时随地安全地访问存储在 Lyve Cloud 中的项目数据。

Complete Access

遗址管理人员、历史学家、研究人员和教育工作者可以即时、安全且完整地访问 3D 遗址模型。

Simple Solutions

Lyve Cloud 的可预测定价通过减少数据中心的占用面积和 IT 维护费用显著降低了 CyArk 的成本。



了解 CyArk 如何使用 Seagate Lyve Cloud 将世界各地的人们连接到具有历史意义的重要遗址。


CyArk 致力于以数字形式保护世界文化遗产。

By creating highly detailed 3D models of significant historical sites, CyArk empowers researchers, historians, educators, conservators, and the public to continue studying and learning about the history of human civilization.


CyArk 希望更有效地管理其不断增长的人类历史库。

To ensure humanity retains access to the stories and details of historically significant places, CyArk must do more than capture data. Efficient management of its ever-growing stores of project data was a necessity for the organization.


CyArk 一直在努力维护一个可访问的文化遗址数据库。

Every preservation project CyArk takes on generates multiple terabytes of unstructured data. The organization used to rely on its on-premises server for data storage, but a growing global team and the adoption of a fully remote work model underscored an urgent need for centralized cloud storage.


Lyve Cloud 使 CyArk 能够完全控制并高效访问其数据。

CyArk chose Seagate Lyve Cloud because it provides the organization with full control of its data while enabling remote collaboration and better productivity. CyArk also leveraged Lyve Mobile—Seagate’s data transfer service—to move its enormous cache of data into Lyve Cloud without having to wait for bulk transfers over the network.


Lyve Cloud 简化了 CyArk 员工的数据管理,同时增加了研究人员的访问权限。

Lyve Cloud has enabled CyArk to provide employees, heritage site managers, historians, researchers, and educators with immediate, secure, and complete access to cultural heritage site data sets. Now, the organization can digitally preserve historical sites efficiently while supporting ongoing research and education.

“With Lyve Cloud, we have full control to manage all our data—and it’s much simpler to share our files with external research and educational partners for the common good.”

John Ristevski,
CEO of CyArk
Products Used

Lyve Cloud

S3 存储即服务,专为您的多云环境打造,在城域边缘即可访问。
Products Used

Lyve Mobile


