Lyve Cloud Object Storage Product Features 
Lyve Cloud Object Storage Product Features 

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Connect Using AWS CLI

For command line interface (CLI) access to the AWS S3 system, Lyve Cloud recommends the industry standard AWS interface:

Before configuring, you'll need the following:

  • Username
  • Access Key ID
  • Secret Access Key
 Note—In the examples that follow, system prompts and responses are shown in black, and users commands/entries are shown in red.

After installing the CLI, configure the CLI for your access. Use the Access Key ID/Secret Access Key to set that in the interface:

% aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <Enter your Access Key ID>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <Enter your Secret Access Key ID>
Default region name [a]:
Default output format [a]:

For example:

% aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: RSTOR1969ZYBQ7UR6PWU92GVZC
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: 96d3k4z01olnH/Cxu5tB7zD/9KY7s4t2pOnY4Wjg6QO
Default region name [a]:
Default output format [a]:

You can now use normal S3 commands. Note that the ‘endpoint-url’ parameter must be included in any requests using this interface to ensure that the command gets routed to the Lyve Cloud Object Storage instance, and not the default AWS cloud.

An example of a simple search request at the top level of access is shown below. The response shows only one bucket which the user has access to, which is called 'test':

% aws s3 ls --endpoint-url <your-endpoint-url>
1.       3:24:31 test

For a user to search that bucket, the command would be:

% aws s3 ls s3://test/ --endpoint-url <your-endpoint-url>
2020-03-11 13:26:22     411923 dog_bed_after.jpg
2020-03-11 13:25:44     434088 dog_bed_before.jpg

In the example above, there were two files in the test bucket.

The system can be used to validate access or test functions/features at the CLI level. The AWS CLI help function provides details of the other commands and functions.