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Administrator's Guide - Audit Log Management

Audit logs are detailed records of activities in the Lyve Cloud console and S3 API operations. Audit logs are used to access audit functions and track any suspicious activity.

When you enable audit logging, all audit logs are written to the selected target bucket. The target bucket must be immutable, which keeps audit logs immutable. For more information, see Using object immutability. You cannot switch off object immutability for the target bucket. You can maintain three types of audit logs:

  • S3 API audit logs: This log records all supported S3 API calls. For more information, see Supported S3 API calls.

    S3 API audit logs are recorded in the S3-<BUCKET-NAME>-<TIMESTAMP>.gz format, where the BUCKET-NAME is the name of a bucket being logged. For more information, see Example S3 API audit log.
  • IAM audit logs: This log includes all events corresponding to identity and access management actions.

    IAM audit logs are recorded in the IAM-<TIMESTAMP>.gz format. For more information, see Example of IAM audit log.
  • Console audit logs: This log includes all the events that originated from the Lyve Cloud console's actions.

    The console audit log is recorded in the console-<TIMESTAMP>.gz format. For more information, see Example of the console audit log.
 Note—Switching on Console Audit Logs enables both the Console audit logs and IAM audit logs that are written to the target bucket.

The audit log files have TIMESTAMP format: yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss' and are set to the UTC zone.

Audit log files keep sufficient information to establish which events occurred, when they occurred, and who caused them. Administrators can manually delete these audit log files after the specified retention duration ends. This helps you to manage the buckets cost-effectively. For more information, see Using object immutability.

Lyve Cloud periodically saves audit logs for specified buckets. The maximum size of a log file is 500 MB. If the file size reaches 500 MB, that log file is saved, and the logs continue to be written in a new file. Log files are saved to the target bucket as console audit log files, IAM audit logs, or S3 API logs.

Role-based access to permission

The following table describes access to enable and disable audit logs based on your role.

Actions Admin Storage Admin Auditor (Read only)
Enable/disable S3 API audit logs × ×
Enable/disable account audit logs × ×
Edit audit log target bucket × ×
View audit log settings ×

Video: Lvye Cloud - How to manage audit log settings in the Lyve Cloud console

Seagate on Vimeo: Lyve Cloud - How to manage audit log settings in the Lyve Cloud console

S3 API audit logs

S3 API audit logs keep detailed records of activity in the Lyve Cloud console as well as S3 API operations. To enable S3 API audit logs, you must select buckets to be logged from the target buckets available in the account.

Example S3 API audit log

The following is an example of an S3 API audit log file.

"name": "PutObject""bucket": "bucket-1""object": "values-v2.yaml""status": "OK",    
"statusCode": 200,         
"timeToResponse": "2246401314ns" },     
"time": "2021-01-22T10:49:30.699378337Z",     
"version": "1",     
"requestID": "165C883E70C2A5D0",     
"userAgent": "aws-sdk-java/1.12.25 Linux/4.15.0-135-generic OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/11.0.12+7 java/11.0.12 vendor/Oracle_Corporation cfg/retry-  mode/legacy",     
"remotehost": "",     
"deploymentid": "ef46b1cb-6be1-4aa2-9c14-e7ffbc11986b",    
    "User-Agent": "aws-sdk-java/1.12.25 Linux/4.15.0-135-generic OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/11.0.12+7 java/11.0.12 vendor/Oracle_Corporation cfg/retry-mode/legacy",         
    "X-Amz-Date": "20210122T104928Z",         
    "Content-Type": "text/yaml",         
    "Authorization": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AHPEVYIPHVQ3XNOY/20210122/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=<redacted>",         
    "Content-Length": "5637",        
     "X-Amz-Content-Sha256": "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD""X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption": "AES256" },    
        "ETag": "219857b61eb0c3dc9a3916a0992fc803",        
        "Vary": "Origin",        
        "Server": "LyveCloud/DEVELOPMENT.2020-06-22T03-43-44Z",        
        "Accept-Ranges": "bytes",        
        "Content-Length": "0",        
        "X-Amz-Request-Id": "165C883E70C2A5D0",        
        "X-Xss-Protection": "1; mode=block",        
        "Content-Security-Policy": "block-all-mixed-content",        
        "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption": "AES256" 
"serviceAccountName": "serv-acc-01" 

The following table describes the parameters specified in the S3 API audit log file.

Parameter name Description
serviceAccountCreatorId A user who created the service account.
name Specifies the API name.
bucket Specifies the bucket name.
object Specifies the object name.
status Specifies the HTTP status.
statusCode Specifies the HTTP status code.
timeToResponse Time for the entire request to complete.
time The timestamp in UTC zone.
version Represents the current version of Audit Log structure.
requestID A unique request identifier.
userAgent Specifies the User-Agent request header
remotehost Displays IP address of the client who sent the request
deploymentid A unique deployment identifier.
requestHeader Specifies the request header content.
responseHeader Specifies the response header content.
serviceAccountName Displays the name of Service Account associated with buckets.


Enabling S3 API audit logs

To enable S3 API audit logs:

  1. On the left-hand menu, select Settings.
  2. On the Audit Logs Settings page, set S3 API Audit Logs to ON to begin saving audit logs.
  3. In the Audit Log Target Bucket dialog, select the target bucket from the list to store the logs.

    Set the target bucket only if you are setting the target bucket to write audit logs for the first time. However, if you have already set the target bucket while enabling console audit logs, you are not forced to select the target bucket.
 Note—Only the buckets that are immutable are displayed in the list.

  1. Select Save.

After you enable the S3 API audit log:

To change the target bucket:

  • On the Audit Log Settings page, a new 'Audit Log Target Bucket' section is displayed. This section displays the target bucket name and bucket region. To change the target bucket, see Editing audit log target bucket.

To set the S3 API audit logs:

  • Select which buckets will have audit log.

    • All buckets must be logged: Selecting this option allows you to set and enforce logging for all available buckets in the account. By default, this option is selected.
    • Individually set per bucket: Selecting this option allows you to edit each bucket to enable logging manually.
 Note—The All buckets must be logged and Individually set per bucket options are available only after you enable S3 API audit logs, and the target bucket is set to store logs.

After selecting the Individually set per bucket option, you must choose each bucket individually and then enable the S3 API audit logs. To enable S3 API audit logs for an individual bucket, see Editing bucket properties. Once S3 audit logs are enabled, the selected bucket in the account is labeled as Logged.

Disabling S3 API audit logs

While enabling S3 API Audit Logs, if you select the Individually set per bucket option and later disable audit logs, the S3 API Audit Logs option will be unavailable in that individual bucket.

To disable S3 API audit logs:

  1. On the left-hand menu, select Settings.
  2. On the Audit Log Settings page, set S3 API Audit Logs to Off.

After you switch off S3 API audit logs, the Logged label is removed from all buckets.

Console audit log

Enabling account audit logs enables Console Audit Logs, IAM Audit logs, and Account API Audit logs.

Before you enable them, become familiar with the account audit logs by reviewing the examples below.

Example of Account API audit log structure

           EventName: “<eventname>”,
           Version: “2”,
Request: {
            AccountName: “service account name”,
            AccessKey: “<accesskey>”,
            RequestTime: “<hh:mm:ss>”,
            RequestParams: {          
                                …. Parameters.. or Body
SourceIP: “XXYYXX”


Response: {

               ResponseTime: “<response time>”,
               ResponseCode: “<response code>”,
               ResponseError: “<error>”,
               ResponseBody: {                                          …
                                body…. (with secret redacted) …


Event name API action
authenticate-and-get-session-token Authenticate and get a session token
Test-a-session-token-for-validity Test a session token for validity
get-historical-storage-usage-by-month Get historical storage usage by month
get-current-month-storage-usage Get current month storage usage
list-permissions List permissions
create-a-new-permission Create a new permission
get-permission-by-id Get permission by id
delete-a-permission-by-id Delete a permission by id
update-a-permission Update a permission
list-service-accounts List service accounts
create-a-new-service-account Create a new service account
get-service-account-data-by-id Get service account data by id
delete-a-service-account-by-id Delete a service account by id
update-a-service-account Update a service account
enable-a-service-account Enable a service account
disable-a-service-account Disable a service account
enable-audit-logging-on-a-bucket Enable Audit logging on a bucket
disable-audit-logging-on-a-bucket Disable Audit logging on a bucket


Example of an account audit log

The following is an example of the console audit log file.

"ConsoleVersion": "DEVELOPMENT",    
"DeploymentID": "dell2",    
"LoginTime": "2021-01-25T09:19:11.622206Z",    
"UserIdentity": {       
    "EventSource": "https://dell2.console.localhost:32428",       
    "UserName": "",       
    "Role": "admin",       
    "IPAddress": ""   
     "Eventname": "add-new-notification-recipient",      
     "Status": "Error while inserting data to table: ",       
    "StatusCode": 13,       
    "EventResponse": "{\"Action\":\"Add NotificationRecipient\",\"FirstName\":\"Fname\",\"LastName\":\"Lname\",\"Email\":\"\",\"Partner\":\"dell2\",\"AddedBy\":\"\"}",       
    "EventTime": "2021-01-25 09:37:01.505980988 +0000 UTC m=+1421.228517562"  


The following table includes console operations recorded in the console audit log. The Event name column displays the names inside the console audit log as an eventname parameter value.

Event name Console operation
create-bucket Create bucket
delete-bucket Delete bucket
create-permission Create permission
set-object-immutablility Set object immutability
create-permission-from- imported-file Create permission from an imported file
edit-permission Edit permission
delete-permission Delete permission
create-service-account Create service account
edit-service-account Edit service account
service-account-status-change Service account status change
service-account-deletion Delete service account
add-user Add user
user-password-reset User password reset
edit-user Edit user
user-enabled-disabled User enabled/disabled
user-logout User log out
create-support-ticket Create support ticket
edit-support-ticket Edit support ticket
new-comment New comment
add-new-notification- recipient Add new notification recipient
remove-notification-recipient Remove notification recipient
edit-notification-recipient Edit notification recipient
on-off-s3-api-audit-log On/off S3 API audit log
on-off-s3-console-audit-log On/off Console audit log
s3-api-audit-log-setting S3 API audit log setting
s3-api-audit-log-bucket-setting 3 API audit log bucket setting


The following table describes the parameters specified in the console audit log file.

Parameter name Description
consoleVersion Displays the console version
deploymentid The unique deployment identifier
loginTime The timestamp in UTC zone
eventSource The console URL path
userName The login ID of the user
role The Lyve Cloud user role
ipAddress The user identity IP address
eventname Specifies the console operation
status Displays the human-readable message
statusCode Displays the status numeric code. For more information, see Status Code table.
eventResponse Displays the resulting action performed by the event name
eventTime Displays the timestamp in UTC zone


Status code

The following tables provide descriptions for the StatusCode parameter.

Status code Error Error details
0 OK Code OK is returned on success.
1 Cancelled Code The operation is cancelled by the client.
2 Unknown Code Specifies an unknown error.For example, errors raised by APIs that do not return enough error information.
3 InvalidArgument Code The client specifies an invalid argument.
4 DeadlineExceeded Code The operation has expired before completion.This error may be returned even if the operation has completed successfully, however, the response is delayed.For example, a successful response from a server could have been delayed long enough for the deadline to expire.
5 NotFound Code Requested entity (file or directory) was not found.
6 AlreadyExists CodeA An attempt to create an entity failed because one entity already exists.
7 PermissionDenied Code The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation.
8 ResourceExhausted Code Some resource has exhausted.
9 FailedPrecondition Code The operation was rejected because the system is not in a state to execute the operation.For example, directory to be deleted may not be empty.
10 Aborted CodeT The operation was aborted due to a concurrent issue like sequencer check failures, transaction aborts, etc.
11 OutOfRange Code The operation was attempted past the valid range.For example, seeking or reading past end of a file.
12 Unimplemented Code The operation is not implemented, supported, orenabled for this service.
13 Internal Code Indicates internal errors, where some invariants have broken.
14 Unavailable Code The service is currently unavailable.
15 DataLoss Code Indicates unrecoverable data loss or corruption.
16 Unauthenticated Code The request does not have valid authentication credentials for the operation.


Example of an IAM audit log

The following is an example of an IAM audit log file.

    "date": "2016-02-23T19:57:29.532Z",    
    "type": "sapi",    
    "description": "",    
    "connection": "",    
    "connection_id": "",    
    "client_id": "AaiyAPdpYdesoKnqjj8HJqRn4T5titww",    
    "client_name": "My application Name",    
    "ip": "",    
    "hostname": "",    
    "user_id": "auth0|56c75c4e42b6359e98374bc2",    
    "user_name": "",    
    "audience": "",    
    "scope": "",    
    "strategy": "",    
    "strategy_type": "",    
    "log_id": "",    
    "isMobile": false,    
    "details": {},    
    "user_agent": "",    
    "location_info": {      
    "country_code": "",      
    "country_code3": "",      
    "country_name": "",      
    "city_name": "",      
    "latitude": "",      
    "longitude": "",      
    "time_zone": "",      
    "continent_code": ""     


The following is an example of an IAM audit log file.

Parameter name Description
created_date Date when the event occurred in ISO 8601 format.
organization Name of the account.
org_type Displays the type of organization Partner|Tenant.
source Displays source of the Log.
created_by Displays which service created the log.
content IAM log content.
bucket_name Target bucket name where the log files are stored.Optional and can be left blank.


The following table describes the data field for contents in the IAM audit log file.

Parameter name Description
date Date when the event occurred in ISO 8601 format.
type Type of event. For more information, see Event code list associated with each log event.
description Description of the event.
connection Name of the connection for the event.
connection_id ID of the connection for the event.
client_id ID of the client (application).
client_name Name of the client (application).
ip The IP address of the log event source.
hostname Hostname where the event is applied.
user_id User ID involved in the event.
user_name User name involved in the event.
audience API audience for whom the event is applied.
scope Scope permissions applied to the event.
strategy Name of the strategy involved in the event.
strategy_type Type of strategy involved in the event.
log_id Unique identifier of the event.
isMobile Specifies if the client is a mobile device (true), desktop, laptop, or server (false).
details Additional details about the event (the structure is dependent upon event type).
user_agent User agents details from the client device that caused the event.
location_info Displays information about the location that triggered this event based on the IP.


The following table describes the data field for location_info.

Parameter name Description
country_code Displays the country code in two-letter Alpha-2 ISO 3166-1 format.
country_code3 Displays the country code in a three-letter Alpha-3 ISO 3166-1 format.
country_name Full country name.
city_name Full city name.
latitude Global latitude (horizontal) position.
longitude Global longitude (vertical) position.
time_zone Time zone name.
continent_cide Displays continent of the country.For example, AF (Africa), AN (Antarctica), AS (Asia), EU (Europe), NA (North America), OC (Oceania) or SA (South America).


The following table describes the event code associated with each log event.

Event Code Description
admin_update_launch Update launched.
api_limit The maximum number of requests to theauthentication API in given time has been reached.
cls Passwordless login code/link has been sent.
coff AD/LDAP connector is offline.
con AD/LDAP connector is online and working.
cs Passwordless login code has been sent.
depnote Deprecation notice.
du User has been deleted.
f Failed login.
fc Failed by connector.
fce Failed to change user email.
fco Origin is not in the allowed origins list for the specified application.
fcoa Failed cross-origin authentication.
fcp Failed change password.
fcph Failed post change password hook.
fcpn Failed change phone number.
fcpr Failed change password request.
fcpro ailed to provision a AD/LDAP connector.
fcu Failed to change username.
fd Failed to generate delegation token.
fdeac Failed to activate device.
fdeaz Device authorization request failed.
fdecc User did not confirm device.
fdu Failed user deletion.
feacft Failed to exchange authorization code for access token.
feccft Failed exchange of access token for a client credentials grant.
fede Failed to exchange device code for access token.
fens Failed exchange for native social login.
feoobft Failed exchange of password and OOB challenge for access token.
feotpft Failed exchange of password and OTP challenge for access token.
fepft Failed exchange of password for access token.
fepotpft Failed exchange of passwordless OTP for access token.
fercft Failed exchange of password and MFA recovery code for access token.
fertft Failed exchange of refresh token for access token.
ferrt Failed exchange of rotating refresh token.
flo User logout failed.
fn Failed to send email notification.
fp Failed login (incorrect password).
fs Failed signup.
fsa Failed silent auth.
fu Failed login (invalid email/username).
fui Failed to import users.
fv Failed to send verification email.
fvr Failed to process verification email request.
gd_auth_failed Multi-factor authentication failed. This could happen due to a wrong code entered for SMS/Voice/Email/TOTP factors, or a system failure.
gd_auth_rejected A user rejected a Multi-factor authentication request via push-notification.
gd_auth_succeed Multi-factor authentication success.
gd_enrollment_complete A first time MFA user has successfully enrolled using one of the factors.
gd_otp_rate_limit_exceed A user, during enrollment or authentication, enters an incorrectcode more than the maximum allowed number of times. Ex: A user enrolling in SMS enters the 6-digit code wrong more than 10 times in a row.
gd_recovery_failed A user enters a wrong recovery code when attempting to authenticate.
gd_recovery_rate_limit_exceed A user enters a wrong recovery code too many times.
gd_recovery_succeed A user successfully authenticates with a recovery code.
gd_send_pn Push notification for MFA sent successfully sent.
gd_send_sms SMS for MFA successfully sent.
gd_send_sms_failure Attempt to send SMS for MFA failed.
gd_send_voice Voice call for MFA successfully made.
gd_send_voice_failure Attempt to make Voice call for MFA failed.
gd_start_auth Second factor authentication event started for MFA.
gd_start_enroll Multi-factor authentication enroll has started.
gd_tenant_update Guardian tenant update.
gd_unenroll Device used for second factor authentication has beenunenrolled.
gd_update_device_account Device used for second factor authentication has beenupdated.
limit_delegation Rate limit exceeded to /delegation endpoint.
limit_mu An IP address is blocked with 100 failed loginattempts using different usernames, all with incorrect passwords in 24 hours, or 50 sign-up attempts per minute from the same IP address.
limit_wc An IP address is blocked with 10 failed loginattempts into a single account from the same IP address.
pwd_leak Someone behind the IP address: ip attempted to login with a leaked password.
s Successful sign-on event.
sapi Success API operation.
sce Success change email.
scoa Success cross-origin authentication.
scp Success change password.
scph Success post change password hook.
scpn Success change phone number.
scpr Success change password request.
scu Success change username.
sd Success delegation.
sdu User successfully deleted.
seacft Successful exchange of authorization code for access token.
seccft Successful exchange of access token for a client credentials grant.
sede Successful exchange of device code for access token.
sens Native social login.
seoobft Successful exchange of password and OOB challenge for access token.
seotpft Successful exchange of password and OTP challenge for access token.
sepft Successful exchange of password for access token.
sercft Successful exchange of password and MFA recovery code for access token.
sertft Successful exchange of refresh token for access token.
srrt Successfully revoked a refresh token.
slo User successfully signed out.
ss Success signup.
ssa Silent auth.
sui Successfully imported users.
sv Verification email.
svr Verification email request.
sys_os_update_end Update ended.
sys_os_update_start Update started.
sys_update_end Update ended.
sys_update_start Update started.
ublkdu User block setup by anomaly detection has been released.
w Warnings during login.


Enable account audit logs

To enable the account audit log:

  1. On the left-hand menu, select Settings.
  2. On the Settings page, set Account Audit Logs to ON.
  3. in the Audit Log Target Bucket dialog, select the target bucket from the list to store the logs.

    You must set the target bucket only if you are setting the target bucket to write audit logs for the first time. However, if you have set the target bucket while enabling S3 API audit logs, you are not forced to select the target bucket again.

    Only the buckets that are in immutable are displayed in the list.
  4. Select Save.

Disable account audit logs

To disable account audit logs:

  1. On the left-hand menu, select Settings.
  2. On the Settings page, set Account Audit Logs to OFF.

After you disable audit logs:

  • Logs are no longer saved to the target bucket.
  • The target bucket is still visible in the Audit Logs Target Bucket section.

Edit audit log target bucket

While editing the target bucket to save audit logs, only immutable buckets are displayed for selection.

To edit console audit logs:

  1. On the left-hand menu, select Settings.
  2. In the Audit Log Target Bucket section, select Edit.

  1. On the Edit Audit Log Target Bucket dialog, select the target bucket from the Select bucket list and then select Save.