Cloud Import Service User Manual & Reference Guide
Cloud Import Service 

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Track Import Status

The status of your import plan(s) can be tracked in Lyve Management Portal.

  1. Go to and sign in. Enter a verification code to continue to Lyve Management Portal.
  2. On the Home page, select an active Lyve Mobile subscription with a cloud import plan. (Alternatively, select the More icon in the 'Actions' column, and then select View Subscription).
  3. In the sidebar, select Import Plans.
  4. In the 'Import Plans' list, locate the import you're tracking. (If the list is long, use the search field to locate a device by its serial number.)
  5. For information on the import:
    • View the status of the import in the 'Status' column.
    • Select the link in the 'Tracking Number' column to display tracking information in a new tab. (The tracking number is only available after the device has been returned for import.)
    • Select the More menu, and then select View Plan Details. View the following on the details screen:
Source Device name, serial number, tracking number.
Cloud Destination Destination type and region.
Path Bucket and folder name.
Cloud Import Status Add Credentials / Send for Import / Import to Cloud / Cryptographic Erase / Plan Close
Required Actions Actions required for the import plan.
Cloud Import Timeline List of import activities by date.