Cloud Import Service User Manual & Reference Guide
Cloud Import Service 


Track Import Status

The status of your import plan(s) can be tracked in Lyve Management Portal.

  1. Go to lyve.seagate.com and sign in. Enter a verification code to continue to Lyve Management Portal.
  2. On the Lyve Services page, go to the Lyve Mobile with Cloud Import card. Click on the Manage Projects dropdown and select View Plans.
  3. Find your project in the Import Plans table and click to expand it.
  4. View the status of the import plan in the Status column. You can also hover over the infographic icons to see more information about a status.
 Projects with the orange warning icon contain import plan(s) that require one or more actions to be taken. Click the project to expand it and view the action(s) required.

Once a device has been received at the import site, you can track the status of the import by doing the following:

  1. Click on a project to expand it.
  2. Click the Check Import Status button next to a device.