종교간 직원 리소스 그룹
Seagate Interfaith는 모든 종교의 직원을 인정하고 환영하며 지원을 제공합니다. 우리는 영성, 생활 습관, Seagate 문화에 이를 포함시킬 수 있는 방법에 관한 주제에 대해 참여할 수 있도록 직장 내에서 소통의 장을 조성합니다. 우리의 목적은 논쟁과 경쟁이 아닌 축하와 공유를 하는 것입니다.
“Our employees bring many diverse backgrounds and perspectives to the workplace, many of which are not externally visible. When we provide a safe place to share and celebrate what makes us unique, it leads everyone to find common ground and understanding. Allowing people to express their whole selves drives inclusion and innovation, strengthening the culture and values that continue to make Seagate a successful company.”
Ashraf Eldomiatti
Minnesota, USA
Interfaith has partnered with the King Center’s Be Love community to offer a three-part training and practical resources for dealing with conflict and dismantling injustice. Global participants learn how to embrace non-violence as a powerful concept in creating their own Be Love community.
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