Lyve Cloud Account API version 2 Guide
Lyve Cloud Account API version 2 

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API Error Codes

During an error, you will receive a JSON object in the response body containing the information about the error. Error responses also include an error message in the body to assist in resolving the problem.

Table 1. API error codes

Code HTTP Status Code Message
ExpiredToken Bad Request(400) Token expired.
InvalidToken Bad Request(400) Token is not valid.
InvalidTimeRange Bad Request (400) Invalid time range.
InvalidArgument Bad Request (400) This error might occur for the following reasons:
  • One or more of the specified arguments was not valid.
  • The request was missing an argument.
InvalidBucketName Bad Request (400) A bucket that keeps audit logs must be set with Object Immutability.
AuthenticationFailed Forbidden (403) Authentication failed.
NoServiceAvailable Forbidden (403) The account has no services enabled for it.
PermissionNotFound Not Found (404) A permission was not found.
ServiceAccountNotFound Not Found (404) A service account was not found.
ServiceAccountExpired Not Found (404) The service account has expired. Couldn’t enable the expired service.
ServiceAccountExpired Not Found (404) The service account has expired. Couldn’t disable the expired service.
BucketNotFound Not Found (404) A bucket was not found.
PermissionNotReady Conflict (409) The permission is still being processed by some regions.
ServiceAccountNotReady Conflict (409) The service account is still being processed by some regions.
PermissionNameAlreadyExists Conflict (409) The permission name is already in use. Please use a different name.
ServiceAccountNameAlreadyExists Conflict (409) The service account name is already in use. Please use a different name.
ServiceNotReady Service Unavailable (503) The server is not ready to handle the request. Please retry the request later.
InternalError Internal Server Error (500) The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request.