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Lyve Mobile Security  User Guide
Lyve Mobile Security 

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Key Terms

Host computer

A computer installed with Lyve Client used to access assigned Lyve Mobile devices.

Lyve Client

An app used to unlock specific Lyve Mobile devices. Lyve Client can be used to access devices using Lyve Portal Identity and/or Lyve Token Security.

Lyve Portal Identity

Security option that allows an end user to enter a username and password to authorize host computers to access connected Lyve Mobile devices. End users must have a Lyve user account. Internet connectivity is required during sign-in and when periodically reauthorizing a host computer. See Accessing Devices with Lyve Portal Identity.

Lyve Token file

An encrypted security token file authorizing a host computer to access specific Lyve Mobile devices.

Lyve Token Security

Security option that allows for use cases in which there is limited access to the internet when using Lyve Mobile Arrays. End users are not required to have a Lyve user account. Instead, the end user creates a registration file for the computer in Lyve Client and then sends it to the project administrator. The project administrator uses that registration file to generate a Lyve Token file in Lyve Management Portal and then sends it to the end user. Internet connectivity is required to download the installer for Lyve Client, but is not required when accessing devices with Lyve Token files. See Accessing Devices with Lyve Token Security.

Product admin

Administrator in the account permitted to:

  • Register host computers.
  • Assign Lyve Mobile devices to host computers.
  • Issue Lyve Token files.

Product end user

End user accessing Lyve Mobile storage devices from a connected computer.

Registration file

A JSON file certifying Lyve Client on a specific host computer.

  • A product end user downloads a registration file from Lyve Client running on the host computer.
  • The registration file is sent to a product admin, who uses it to produce a Lyve Token file.
  Registration files cannot be transferred between host computers or installations of Lyve Client. If an end user uninstalls/reinstalls Lyve Client, they’ll need to download new registration files to send to their product admin.


In Lyve Management Portal, an unlocker has the correct security permissions to unlock one or more Lyve Mobile Arrays. For example, an instance of Lyve Client installed on a host PC. Multiple Lyve Mobile Arrays can be assigned to a single unlocker, or to multiple unlockers.