Business Storage Wss 2012 Business Storage Wss 2012
Business Storage Wss 2012 

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Windows Recovery and Reset to Defaults


You must connect a mouse, keyboard, and monitor to the server to perform recovery and reset operations.



Important: Disconnect the non-system hard drives from the enclosure before starting a recovery. Open the door to the enclosure and gently unplug the hard drives in slots 2–4. Disconnect all USB and USM hard drives.


  1. Power down the server.
  2. Connect a keyboard, video display, and mouse to the server.
  3. Connect the USB key included with your Seagate server.
  4. On the rear of the unit, press the Recovery button (the recessed button marked with a pair of arrows) with a pointed object. Continue to press the Recovery button while you power on the server.
    The Recovery mode message displays.
  5. After about 20 seconds, when the message Starting recovery mode displays, release the Recovery button.
  6. Select Windows Recovery.
  7. Select the keyboard layout.
  8. Click Troubleshoot .
  9. To recover from a backup, click Advanced options.
  10. Select System Image Recovery.
    A message appears indicating that the backup cannot be found.
  11. Unplug the USB key and connect your DAS with the server backup.
  12. If your backup is located on a network volume, click Advanced, and then select Search for a system image on the network.
  13. Enter the network path to the volume with the server backup.
  14. Confirm that the backup located is correct and click Next.
  15. Select which system image you want and click Next.
  16. Click System only.
    In most instances, the remaining options to format and repartition and install drivers are not necessary.
  17. Click Next
  18. Review the settings and click Finish.

After WSS 2012 system recovery is complete, use Windows Server Backup to recover data.

Reset the Windows system hard drive and factory settings

  1. Power down the server.
  2. Connect a keyboard, video display, and mouse to the server.
  3. Connect the USB key included with your Seagate server.
  4. On the rear of the unit, press the Recovery button (the recessed button marked with a pair of arrows) with a pointed object. Continue to press the Recovery button while you power on the server
    The Recovery mode message displays.
  5. After about 20 seconds, when the message Starting recovery mode displays, release the Recovery button.
  6. Select Seagate NAS Recovery.
  7. Select a recovery option and click Start.
  8. Confirm and click Next.