Seagate NAS OS 4 User Manual
Seagate NAS OS 4 

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Download Manager

 Use your NAS OS device as a download server to:

  • Download files from the Internet (PDF, Torrent, Binary).
  • Upload files from the local disk (Torrent).

Enable the download machine 

The download machine service must be enabled to use the Download Manager.

  1. Go to the Download Manager.
  2. Click the slider on the upper right

Create a download job 

  1. Go to the Download Manager.
  2. Choose Add download.
  3. At the prompt, choose file's location:
    • URL: Type or paste the web address.
    • Local File: Select Browse to search for the file.
  4. Select the destination share by clicking inside the Destination field. Choose the share in the pop-up window.
  5. To better organize your downloads, you can choose Create folder at the prompt to add a folder.
  6. Choose Save to begin the download. 

Download settings 

Go to Download Manager > Settings to review and change settings. You can edit a setting by passing the cursor to its right and clicking on the configuration icon (pencil).

  • Maximum active downloads: Enter the number of download jobs that can run simultaneously.
  • Download rate limit: Select the pull-down menu and choose Custom. Enter a number from 1KB/s to 102400KB/s.
  • Upload limit rate: Select the pull-down menu and choose Custom. Enter a number from 1KB/s to 102400KB/s.
  • TCP Listening port: Enter a router port number through which the download service can operate. 

 Technical note: Multiple simultaneous downloads can impact your NAS's performance. In some instances, even after a download has completed, the download service may continue to use system resources.