This article is for informational purposes only and no longer being updated by Seagate.

Why is my Ethernet Disk Mini or Ethernet Big Disk not recognized as an external drive when I connect the USB cable?

If you use the USB cable to connect the Ethernet Disk Mini or Ethernet Big Disk to your computer, the drive will not be recognized as an external drive. This is because the drive will be placed in a network environment. This means that the drive will receive an IP-address. This address is Before you connect the drive to the computer, you need to install the USB Ethernet Driver that has been provided on the CD-ROM that you received with the drive. To connect to the drive you should use the software IP Configurator. This program can easily be found and downloaded from our Support pages. By using this program you will have access to the administration pages of the drive. An easy way to see the contents of the drive is to click on the ‘Start’ button, and select ‘Run’ from the list. In the command line, enter this line and press ENTER: \\ip_address