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Maxtor Fusion: Changing User Preferences

Flash and text tutorial for changing Maxtor Fusion's user preferences.

The following procedure provides the steps necessary to complete Part 1 - Setup for Maxtor Fusion from Windows:

  1. Launch Maxtor Fusion to the login page. When prompted, enter the USER NAME and PASSWORD to authenticate.
  2. From the User's Home page opens, click Set Preferences.
  3. Click on the USER PREFERENCES tab. Once displayed, you can change all User Preferences:
    • Display Name
    • Password & Re-Enter Password
    • Password Hint
    • Primary Email Address & Re-Enter Primary Email
    • Default Landing Page
    However, you cannot change the Maxtor Fusion User Name.
  4. When changes are complete, click Save.
  5. After a moment, a popup displays saying, "Your preferences have been save successfully". When finished, click the "x" in the upper-right corner of the window to close User Preferences.
Maxtor Fusion Video Tutorial - Changing User Preferences

This page will link you to a Flash Video that shows you how to changing User Preferences on a Maxtor Fusion Sub-User account.

View Flash Guide
Click here to launch the movie.