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Will my Seagate drive work with macOS 13 (Ventura)?

Seagate has evaluated current product lines to determine which ones will be supported in macOS 13 (Ventura). Older drives that are not listed here may work, but have not been tested.  

This is a general compatibility article and not a troubleshooting article. If the drive is not being detected by the computer, click here to see this article.

If you are installing Seagate software for the first time, there is a security feature that was introduced in macOS 10.13 and has continued into the latest version of macOS  which is covered in this article here.

Current products

Product Hardware Additional Information
Backup Plus Family  Yes  
One Touch HDD Family Yes  
Ultra Touch HDD
One Touch SSD
FireCuda Gaming Hub
Fast SSD 
Ultra Touch SSD 
BarraCuda Fast SSD
Seagate Duet 
Seagate Seven Yes  
Seagate Expansion Yes No software included with this device. Use Time Machine to back up your computer.
Seagate Expansion SSD Yes No software included with this device. Use Time Machine to back up your computer.
Seagate Desktop Drive Yes Formatted for Windows (NTFS) by default. Requires formatting for macOS. See How to format your drive
Seagate Portable Drive Yes Formatted for Windows (NTFS) by default. Requires formatting for macOS. See How to format your drive
Seagate Internal Laptop and
Desktop SATA hard drives


Legacy Products

Older drives that are not listed here may work, but have not been tested.

Product Hardware
Innov8 No
GoFlex Family No
FreeAgent Family No
Seagate Personal Cloud No
Seagate Central No
GoFlex Home No
Maxtor OneTouch No
Wireless Plus No
Wireless No
Seagate NAS
Seagate NAS Pro
Business Storage 4-Bay Rackmount NAS
Business Storage 8-Bay Rackmount NAS


The following table lists which Seagate software applications are compatible with macOS 13 (Ventura). If software isn’t listed below, then it is not supported on macOS 13 (Ventura). However, using the drive as a drag and drop destination or with Time Machine can be an alternative.

Software Version Additional Information
Toolkit 2.1.x

Yes, with version 2.1.x or later

Apple silicon Macs need to change security settings for Seagate Secure - How to change security settings

Paragon NTFS driver 15.10.x

Yes, with version 15.10.x or later

Apple silicon Macs need to change security settings How to change security settings

Seagate Dashboard 4.9.2

No, the software was not updated. Last supported operating system was macOS 10.13.

Seagate Media Sync
No, the software was not updated. Last supported operating system was macOS 10.12.
Network Assistant
No, the software was not updated. Last supported operating system was macOS 10.12.
Seagate Duet 1.4.x No, the software was note updated. Last supported operating system was macOS 11 (Big Sur)
Sdrive 3.2.29 No, the software was not updated. Last supported operating system was macOS 10.13.
Remote access was disabled on May 15th, 2021.Remote access information