Q: | What is Lyve Cloud? |
A: | Lyve Cloud is a simple, trusted, and efficient on-demand solution for mass capacity storage. Predictable economics, verifiable trust, and ease of use make Lyve Cloud the right choice for storing your data. |
Q: | How do I sign up for Lyve Cloud? |
A: | To sign up for Lyve Cloud services, contact our sales team at sales.lyvecloud@seagate.com.or Self-subscribe Lyve Cloud services using your credit card |
Q: | What are the S3 service URL's for Lyve Cloud‘s regions? |
A: | The S3 service URL's for Lyve Cloud:
https://<account-id>.console.lyvecloud.seagate.com |
Q: | Is Lyve Cloud S3 compatible? |
A: | Yes, Lyve cloud is S3-compatible object storage that uses S3 API, and it works with other S3-compatible applications. |
Q: | What kind of workloads or applications are ideal for Lyve Cloud services? |
A: | Lyve Cloud is designed to handle all of your data storage needs for workloads such as backup, disaster recovery and big data analytics. |
Q: | Can I store my data in Lyve Cloud and leverage resources and applications from other cloud providers? |
A: | Yes. Lyve Cloud is co-located with Azure, Amazon, and other cloud providers to facilitate high-speed data transfer. Lyve Cloud lets you keep control of your data while leveraging computing and application resources from other cloud providers. |
Q: | How will I be notified of Lyve Cloud service updates? |
A: | The Lyve Cloud support team sends notifications regarding any system updates. Updates are sent to the email addresses of all registered Lyve Cloud users. |
Q: | Can I change my registered email address? |
A: | Currently, you cannot change the registered email address from within your Lyve Cloud account. For more information, contact the Lyve Cloud support team at support.lyvecloud@seagate.com. |
Q: | Can I reset my password? |
A: | Yes, you can reset your password, select the Forgot Password link on the login screen and follow the instruction. You can also contact your Lyve Cloud admin to reset the password. |
Q: | How does Lyve Cloud assure data is consistent and all applications have a single source of truth? |
A: | Lyve Cloud uses a robust data consistency model for writing an object to the disk. Therefore, the data read by any application is identical, providing a single source of truth. |
Q: | How does Lyve Cloud manage data integrity and protect against data corruption? |
A: | Lyve Cloud maintains data integrity as a core mission. At the physical layer, Lyve Cloud addresses data integrity by using Seagate’s enterprise-class hard disks and cloud-scale data durability and self-healing technologies. The erasure coding algorithm ensures 11 x 9’s of data durability, and the self-healing technology can be configured to protect against silent data corruption or bit rot by performing an integrity check of all objects within a bucket at least once a year. |
Q: | Does Lyve Cloud guarantee permanent deletion of data? |
A: | To permanently delete data, client applications should use S3 API calls to delete all objects and buckets that the application creates. |
Q: | Does Lyve Cloud support multipart uploads? |
A: | Lyve Cloud supports multipart uploads where the object part or chunk can range from 5 MB to 5 GB, with a maximum number of 10,000 parts per an object. This enables the efficient upload of large files and recovery from transmission errors. |
Q: | What level of uptime does Lyve Cloud support? |
A: | Lyve Cloud architecture implements redundancy at the hardware and software stack. All critical software components are designed to tolerate multiple failures. Lyve Cloud makes all reasonable efforts to maintain monthly uptime of 99.9% with applicable service credits. |
Q: | Are there a minimum and maximum sizes for stored objects? |
A: | There is no minimum object size, and the maximum object size for a single PUT operation is 5 TB. Lyve Cloud recommends using multipart uploads for files larger than 100 MB. |
Q: | What kind of data can I store in Lyve Cloud? |
A: | Lyve Cloud allows you to store any data in any format as long as it complies with Lyve Cloud's Terms and Conditions. |
Q: | What versions of TLS / SSL does Lyve Cloud support? |
A: | Lyve Cloud is compatible with TLS 1.2. |
Q: | Does Lyve Cloud support WORM/Write-Once-Read-Many for data immutability? |
A: | Lyve Cloud supports S3 object lock, which includes WORM/data immutability. This can be enabled at the bucket level. |
Q: | Does Lyve Cloud support management and data access auditing? |
A: | After enabling the Audit Log feature, Lyve Cloud keeps an audit log of all user access to your Lyve Cloud console and all client application’s S3 operations. Users can designate a bucket to receive these audit logs from Lyve Cloud. |
Q: | Can I connect Lyve Cloud with third-party tools? |
A: | Yes. You can connect to Lyve Cloud using either CyberDuck, Rclone, or any S3 browser. Using these tools, create folders in buckets or upload files. Consult your organization's policies and the EULA policies of the software before downloading 3rd party applications. To connect to Lyve Cloud with third-party tools, see Connecting S3 clients. |
Q: | Which operating systems environments are supported by the Lyve Cloud console? |
A: | Lyve Cloud console supports Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. Lyve Cloud provides high standards of data protection and security. To ensure customer data is not compromised, we may not support clients running operating systems or application versions that are not actively supported by the relevant ISV or an open-source community. |
Q: | Does Lyve Cloud support strong consistency? |
A: | The Lyve Cloud S3 platform provides strong read-after-write consistency. This means that all GET, PUT, and LIST operations in S3 are consistent, ensuring that what you write is exactly what you will read, and that the results of a LIST operation will be a precise representation of the contents in the bucket. This feature is particularly useful for applications such as data lakes. |
Q: | Does Lyve Cloud have any object naming limitations? |
A: | The object name can contain any of these special characters like @, #, *, $, %, &, !, ?, , , ;, ’, ”, |, +, =, <, >, ^, (, ), {, }, [, ] and alphanumeric characters like 0-9, a-z, A-Z . However, using any of these characters can cause issues due to limiting factors of S3 client SDK . |
Q: | Do buckets have a maximum storage limit? |
A: | No. There is no storage limit for data stored in a single bucket in Lyve Cloud. |
Q: | How do I manage my buckets using API? |
A: | Lyve Cloud does not recommend managing buckets through API's. We recommend managing buckets directly from the Lyve Cloud console or from your data management platform. |
Q: | How do I utilize multipart upload and identify which parts of data have successfully been uploaded? |
A: | Lyve Cloud supports multipart uploads of objects up to 5TBs. Using this method, large files are broken into smaller pieces for a more efficient upload. The pieces are then put back together at the end of the process.A multipart upload consists of three steps:
Q: | When should I use ListMultipartUploads API? |
A: | List multipart upload lists the in-progress multipart uploads that are initiated but are not yet completed or aborted. This API allows writing code that will the uploads that are not completed successfully on time. Lyve Cloud is performing this automatically, by cancelling all pending multi parts after 24 hours. |
Q: | How can a customer confirm the encryption status of their objects? |
A: | Lyve Cloud enforces standard TLS 1.2 with 256-bit advanced encryption standard (AES) Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)—otherwise known as AES-256-GCM—to establish secure communications to the customer in transit and at rest. As an authenticated encryption algorithm, GCM provides proven security of the symmetric-key cryptographic cipher that has wide adoption for its performance. Seagate storage hardware is validated by Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2/3, which directly aligns with the Lyve Cloud focus on security and performance.To view the objects encryption status, please follow the steps below. Pre-requisites
--profile profile name --endpoint URL s3api head-object--bucket bucket name--key file name C:\Users\515515>aws --profile Kevin --endpoint https://s3.us-east-1.lyvecloud.seagate.com s3api head-object --bucket brawleytest --key Goals.docx Result bytes 20900 application/vnd.openxmlformats--officedocument.wordprocessingml.document "34162b3bec92a8334bd9fca388477f85" Mon, 06 Dec 2021 21:10:00 GMT AES256 bytes 20900 application/vnd.openxmlformats--officedocument.wordprocessingml.document "34162b3bec92a8334bd9fca388477f85" Mon, 06 Dec 2021 21:10:00 GMT AES256 METADATA 20210828T175628Z 1b6a154b13045741f4b61ab07ed55567754f44aa6796cc250b2a506c6c83a11a METADATA 20210828T175628Z 1b6a154b13045741f4b61ab07ed55567754f44aa6796cc250b2a506c6c83a11a Note—The encryption is shown here as AES256 which is highlighted in bold. |
Q: | Can I check bucket utilization using commands? |
A: | The content and data quantity in a bucket can be viewed through the following commands.--profile profile name –endpoint URL s3 ls –summarize –human-readable –recursive s3://bucket C:\Users\515515>aws –profile sv15 –endpoint https://s3.us-west-1.lyvecloud.seagate.com s3 ls –summarize –human-readable –recursive s3://mybuck Result 2021-07-03 22:06:34 6 Bytes my-test-file.txt 2021-07-03 22:07:48 12 Bytes my-test-file1.txt 2021-07-03 22:29:33 11 Bytes my-test-file2.txt 2021-07-01 00:46:18 531 Bytes service-acounts.txt Total Objects: 4 Total Size: 560 Bytes Note—This command will list all contents in the bucket. |
Q: | How can I create a bucket with object immutability (lock) enabled with a set duration using S3 API? |
A: |
Q: | How many buckets can you create in Lyve Cloud? |
A: | You can create up to 100 buckets per account. If you need additional buckets, you can create a maximum of 1000 buckets. To create additional buckets, Create a support ticket. |
Q: | What if I lose service account credentials? |
A: | As a reminder, Service accounts allow applications to authenticate and access Lyve Cloud buckets and objects. The access key and secret key (credentials) are generated when you create a service account. This information must be saved at the time of account creation and cannot be recovered afterwards. If necessary you can edit the service account, however, editing does not generate credentials. If you lose or misplace your service account credentials and believe you need new credentials, you must create a new service account. You may also delete the old service account. |
Q: | Can I switch admin roles in Lyve Cloud? |
A: | Yes. If you are an administrator and would like to give/transfer your role to another user, you must first create a new user and assign their role as an administrator. The new administrator must edit your role to Storage Admin or Auditor. For information on how to add and edit users, please visit Administrator's Guide - Identity and Access Management (IAM). |
Q: | Who is eligible for the Lyve Cloud free tier? |
A: | Anyone not previously signed up for Lyve Cloud is eligible for a free trial. |
Q: | How do I sign up for the Lyve Cloud free tier? |
A: | You can sign up for the Lyve Cloud Free Tier using https://signup.lyvecloud.seagate.com/product/250TB. |
Q: | I cannot register for Lyve Cloud services using a credit card and get the following screen during registration. [ INSERT faq-cannot-register-with-credit-card-01.png ] |
A: | The Lyve Cloud subscription has reached the limit. You can wait for a period of time and try again. If you are still facing issues, please contact our support team at support.lyvecloud@seagate.com. |
Q: | I cannot access the registration link and receive the error The Site Can’t be Reached. |
A: | You can perform the following actions and retry:
Q: | After registration, the Lyve Cloud site fails to load with a Registration failed message. [ INSERT faq-registration-failed-01.jpg ] |
A: | The registration could have failed because the credit card authorization was incomplete or the credit card was declined. If the authorization is successful and still the registration fails, please contact our support team at support.lyvecloud@seagate.com. |
Q: | When accessing the registration link, an unexpected error occurred. [ INSERT faq-unexpected-error-01.jpg] |
A: | Please contact our support team at support.lyvecloud@seagate.com. |
Q: | How do I update or edit my credit card information? |
A: | To update or edit credit card information such as the expiration date, see Managing payment method.Managing payment method |
Q: | When can I see my invoice for this month? |
A: | Your invoice is generated on the first of every month for the previous month. To view and download invoices, see Understanding billing.Understanding billing |
Q: | I did not receive the email with the confirmation code. How do I proceed? |
A: | Please check your inbox for an email entitled Lyve Cloud verification code. Be sure to also check your spam folder. If you still haven't received the email, please contact our support team support.lyvecloud@seagate.com. |
Q: | I did not receive the email with a confirmation of account creation. How do I proceed? |
A: | Please check your inbox for an email entitled You are invited to Lyve Cloud!. Be sure to also check your spam folder. If you still haven't received the email, please contact our support team support.lyvecloud@seagate.com. |
Q: | How do I cancel my Lyve Cloud account? |
A: | Lyve Cloud customers can close their own accounts. For more information, see Cancel Lyve Cloud service.Cancel Lyve Cloud service |
Q: | When will my Credit Card be charged after the cancellation? |
A: | When your account is cancelled, the billing period ends on the cancellation date. The bill is generated, and the credit card is charged on the cancellation date at the end of the day. For more information, see Calculating payment.Calculating payment |
Q: | Why does my credit card provider show a transaction as "pending" from Lyve Cloud on my customer bill after I have registered for the free trial? |
A: | Lyve Cloud only authorizes charges during registration and does not execute an actual charge to your credit card. Some credit card companies elect to note this authorization on customer statements as a pending charge. Not all companies follow this practice. While you may see a charge from Lyve Cloud as pending, you will not be charged for Lyve Cloud service during the free trial period. Please speak with your credit card company about concerns with this notation on your customer bill. You may also contact Lyve Cloud support for further assistance. |
Q: | What storage classes does Lyve Cloud offer? |
A: | Lyve Cloud offers a single storage tier and a single consistent price based on the amount of data stored. |
Q: | How much does it cost to use Lyve Cloud? |
A: | The Lyve Cloud service is based on a simple pricing model. Lyve Cloud charges a monthly fee based on the average capacity of data stored during a given month. You are not charged for S3 API calls or data egress. |
Q: | How is the capacity utilization metric calculated? |
A: | Lyve Cloud measures the total storage consumption four times a day. Storage consumption number recorded is the average of the four instances per day. The monthly average usage is calculated by taking the average of all daily records for a given month. For example, if the daily average for the first 10 days of the month is 10 TB, the average for next 10 days is 20 TB and the average for last 10 days of the month is 30 TB, then the total consumption for the month is 20 TB ((10+20+30)/3=20). |
Q: | What is the cost impact of using Lyve Cloud’s immutability feature? |
A: | Once object immutability is switched on, bucket versioning is automatically enabled. Updating a file creates a new version of the objects being stored. This process results in an increase in storage usage and cost. |
Q: | What is the cost impact of using Lyve Cloud’s audit logging features? |
A: | Enabling audit logging creates log files for buckets or console activity. These log files are stored and treated like all other billable storage. |
Q: | I’m not planning to use the object immutability feature but I may be overwriting a file with the same name multiple times. What is the cost impact of this? |
A: | Let us consider an example to answer this question.On day 1, you store a file called "file1.txt". On day 2, you then overwrite "file1.txt" with a new copy of "file1.txt" while not changing the file name. The original copy of "file1.txt" is, therefore, overwritten and the cost is impacted only by changes in the file size of the latest “file1.txt” that may have occurred. |
Q: | Are there any charges for egress or API requests in Lyve Cloud? |
A: | There are no egress or API charges in Lyve Cloud. |
Q: | Can I get an extension of a free trial? |
A: | Yes, please use the extend option on your trial banner or contact your Lyve Cloud sales representative for an extension. |
Q: | I am currently using the free trail, how can I become a paid customer? |
A: | Please contact your Lyve Cloud sales representative to become a paid customer. |
Q: | How is Lyve Cloud billing information collected, and how do I get billed? |
A: | Invoices reflect a calculation of the average monthly storage usage for the previous month. Invoices are available on the first day of every month. You then have an agreed time period to complete payment. |
Q: | Where can I get a copy of my invoice? |
A: | You can view and download a copy of your invoice from the Lyve Cloud console. For more information see Understanding billing.Understanding billing |
Q: | How is my data protected? |
A: | Lyve Cloud protects customer data in transit by using:
Q: | Does Lyve Cloud mine my data? |
A: | No, Lyve Cloud does not mine any customer data. All data stored in Lyve Cloud is encrypted. We strongly recommend that customers use client-side encryption for complete data protection. |
Q: | What happens to my data if I am no longer a Lyve Cloud customer? |
A: | Lyve Cloud does not make any secondary copies of the data. To permanently delete the data, the client application should use the S3 API calls to delete all objects and buckets it created. Once this is complete, customers can email support.lyvecloud@seagate.com to request that their account information be permanently deleted. This ensures that any remaining customer information is removed from the Lyve Cloud cluster. |
Q: | What authentication mechanisms are supported? |
A: | Access to the Lyve Cloud admin portal is supported by multiple authentication schemes, including:
Q: | How secure are Lyve Cloud datacenters? |
A: | Lyve Cloud prioritizes a secure and protected infrastructure.
Q: | Which OTP applications can be used for MFA login? |
A: | Lyve Cloud supports the use of third-party authenticator apps as verification methods for MFA logins. You can use any authenticator app that generates temporary codes based on the time-based one-time password. There are many free and paid authenticator apps to choose from. Widely-used options include Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, DUO, Authy, Okta Verify, Auth0 Guardian, OneLogin Protect, and Oracle Authenticator. |
Q: | Can I use CORS with Lyve Cloud? |
A: | Currently, Lyve Cloud does not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), nor does it support hosting static websites using custom domains or anonymous access to public buckets. |
Q: | How can I change my authentication method? |
A: | You must contact your administrator to reset MFA for the user. To reset MFA, see Resetting MFA For An Individual IAM User. After resetting MFA, you must again enroll in MFA. For more information, see Enrolling in MFA. |
Q: | Why must I use a mobile phone to set up MFA? |
A: | Your device is unique to you. This helps to ensure that your account can only be accessed by the person in possession of your phone. Even if someone has your Lyve Cloud credentials, they will not be able to access your Lyve Cloud account without your mobile phone. |
Q: | My mobile device with authenticator app is lost or stolen, what do I do? |
A: | To change your phone number you must contact the administrator of your account to reset MFA. For more information, see Resetting MFA For An Individual IAM User. After the administrator resets MFA, you must again enroll in MFA on your new device. For more information, see Enrolling in MFA. |
Q: | Can Email be used as the 2nd method of Auth for MFA? |
A: | No, email is not supported as an MFA method. We only support the authenticator apps and SMS. This is because email credentials can be easily compromised or reset. With a mobile device, it is more difficult to get the SMS code or use the authenticator app to access your account than it is to access an email account. |
Q: | Can organizations use their own SAML with MFA? |
A: | Yes, organizations can use their own SAML with MFA. Lyve Cloud MFA always applies to password users even if federated login is enabled for the account. |
Q: | I have lost my recovery code, how do I login to the Lyve Cloud console? |
A: | You must contact your administrator to reset MFA. To reset MFA for the user, see Resetting MFA For An Individual IAM User. After resetting MFA, you must again enroll in MFA. For more information, see Enrolling in MFA. |
Q: | How can I change my Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Phone Number? |
A: | An administrator must reset the MFA for a user to change the associated phone number. To reset MFA for the user, see Resetting MFA For An Individual IAM User. After resetting MFA, you must again enroll for MFA. For more information, see Enrolling in MFA. |
Q: | Can I change my authenticator app? |
A: | Yes, you can change the authenticator app by installing the preferred authenticator app.You must contact your administrator to reset MFA for the user. To reset MFA, see Resetting MFA For An Individual IAM User. After resetting MFA, you must again enroll in MFA. For more information, see Enrolling in MFA. |
Q: | Can I register multiple Lyve Cloud accounts in an authenticator app for MFA? |
A: | You may use different authenticator apps for different Lyve Cloud accounts. If you are required to use the same authenticator app for multiple Lyve Cloud accounts, refer to the MFA application's help section to learn how to add multiple accounts. Follow the steps based on the desired authenticator app.Refer to few of the commonly used authenticator apps: |
Q: | How can I contact Support? |
A: | There are two ways to contact Lyve Cloud Support.
Q: | What can I expect after a support ticket is raised or an email is sent? |
A: | Communication Once you submit a ticket, you will get an auto-generated email from support.lyvecloud@seagate.com that includes your ticket number. Your ticket is added to a queue and is processed in the order that it is received. However, support times do vary depending on issue severity. If you need to contact support for any reason regarding your ticket, you can reply to the auto-generated email, or you can leave a comment in the portal under your ticket details. SLA We will use reasonable efforts to provide a workaround within 24 hours. Afterwards, we will do a root cause analysis and fix the issue to ensure it does not occur again. Escalation Lyve Cloud uses an internal escalation process to ensure tickets are resolved quickly and that they receive the right technical expertise. Following this process, there may be cases where customers learn their ticket has been escalated to another part of the support organization. Resolution When the ticket is resolved, our support team will send out a post-support survey to assess the effectiveness of our support program. Your feedback is highly valuable to us. |
Q: | What details are required when contacting support through email? |
A: | When emailing support, you must include as much information as possible. Please include the following in your request:
Q: | When can I contact Lyve Cloud Support? |
A: | Lyve Cloud support teams are staffed around the globe, working 24/7, 365 days a year. |
Q: | When will the support team contact me after I create a support ticket? |
A: | A new ticket will trigger an auto-response acknowledgement that you will receive within 30 minutes. Our support team will revert you within 4 hours. Seagate will use reasonable efforts to provide a workaround within 24 hours. Later, we will do a root cause analysis and fix the issue to ensure it does not occur again. |
Q: | Where to find help? |
A: | Before contacting support, it may be quick and convenient to find the information you need in our documentation. The Lyve Cloud Documentation provides several resources to answer your questions. Resources include our Quick Start Guide, Video tutorials, Connecting to S3 clients, Known Issues, FAQs, and much more. |
Q: | What is HIPAA? |
A: | The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a US law enacted in 1996. HIPAA is a comprehensive set of standards that regulate the protection and use of protected health information (PHI) in the healthcare industry. The law applies to healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses that transmit health information in electronic form. HIPAA establishes national standards for the privacy and security of PHI and requires that these entities implement appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of PHI. HIPAA also sets rules for the use and disclosure of PHI and gives individuals certain rights with respect to their PHI, such as the right to access, inspect, and receive a copy of their PHI. In summary, HIPAA is a comprehensive set of standards and rules that regulate the protection and use of PHI in the healthcare industry and establishes national standards for the privacy and security of PHI. |
Q: | Is Seagate Lyve Cloud HIPAA compliant? |
A: | Yes, Seagate’s Lyve Cloud storage service has been audited by trusted third-party certifiers and is certified to comply with all HIPAA standards for the secure handling and protection of PHI. |
Q: | What measures does Seagate use to ensure its service is HIPAA compliant? |
A: | Seagate takes numerous measures to ensure that our service is compliant with HIPAA standards and provides a highly secure and robust data storage service. Such measures include:
Q: | Where can I learn more about HIPAA? |
A: | For more information regarding HIPAA compliance with Seagate’s Lyve Cloud storage service, please see Lyve Cloud Compliance, or visit Lyve Cloud HIPAA Business Associate Addendum.Lyve Cloud Compliance |