This article is for informational purposes only and no longer being updated by Seagate.

FreeAgent Theater Plus - Delays in Viewing Content on First Use

You may find that, after setting up your FreeAgent Theater+, that your content does not display properly on your TV. Most likely, this is caused by the amount of content you have. The larger the number of media files you have stored on your storage device(s) (ie, the hard drives connected to the FreeAgent Theater+), the longer it takes Theater+ to index them for use.

To resolve this, you do not need to do anything except to wait for the Theater+ to complete the indexing task. The more media content you have, the longer it will take to index and generate thumbnails. When the blue "busy" circle in the bottom right corner of your screen finishes spinning, you should see your media files when you select Movies, Pictures, or Music.