Building for Multiple Architectures

We have covered in the Getting Started and Understanding Apps sections how to build an app, without specifying the target architecture. This means the architecture of the system used to build the app is assumed, in most cases x86_64.

This is useful for testing the app inside the NAS OS VM, or building for x86_64 NAS devices. But there are devices with other architectures.


See Supported Architectures and Toolchains and Supported Devices for the list of supported architectures and devices.

To build an app for other architectures, you have one of the following options:

We will present both methods, and then give some details on Multi-Arch Considerations inside the NASOS SDK.

Specifying the Target Architecture

Using the Graphical Tool

New in SDK 0.7

When using the SDK, with the NAS OS SDK graphical tool, the target architecture is specified in the project configuration window. Select Edit\Update configuration and then choose the desired architecture in the Architecture field:

Define the target architectures

You can then select the architecture while building:

Build for a given architecture

Using the Command Line

With the command line, you need to specify the --arch option to the --build and --pack commands, such as:

sudo rainbow --build <directory> --arch=<architecture>


sudo rainbow --pack <directory> --arch=<architecture>


When omitted, the --arch value is assumed to be the one of the system used to build the app.

Multi-Arch Considerations

Cross Compiling

When the app requires compilation, it has to be cross compiled. This part is actually not handled by the NASOS SDK itself, and has to be performed separately.

If your app requires cross compilation, you can refer to the Cross Compilation Reference section for help on how to generate the binaries for the target architectures.

Once you have you binaries, we recommend copying them to the source directory of your project, preferably with a sub-directory per architecture.

Then, from the script, install the binaries at the appropriate location. You will be able to determine the target architecture using the $RAINBOW_ARCHITECTURE environment variable.

Here is how such a script would look like

mkdir -p /opt/my_app/bin
install -m 755 /home/source/$RAINBOW_ARCHITECTURE/my_app_daemon /opt/my_app/bin


It’s important to understand that the NASOS SDK doesn’t perform the cross compilation itself. For the NASOS SDK, “building” and app means “putting the app together” and no compilation is involved.

Build Directory

As seen earlier in this documentation, all the files generated during the app’s build process are located in the build directory of the project.

Inside this directory, a sub-directory for the build’s architecture is created. This means, while building for x86_64, the build directory will be build/x86_64, and for armv7 it will be build/armv7.

The generated package will always be found at:


Architecture Specific Settings

As seen before, the architecture allows specifying the package’s architecture. For a single architecture app, this should be in the app’s package.json. For a multi-arch app, it’s best not to specify it in package.json. The package’s architecture value will be decided when building/packaging the app (see above).

It’s possible to have some arch-specific settings by writing a file named:


If such a file exists, when building/packaging the app for this architecture, the settings specified there will override those from the main package.json. It’s also possible to add new, custom settings, for example by using the settings property.

Building for a Foreign Arch

When building inside the NASOS SDK VM for an architecture other than x86_64 (namely armv7), most of the building process is run using the qemu machine emulator. This means that:

In most cases though, this leads to a succesful build. When it not the case, we recommend using an actual NAS device to build the app (see Building from a NAS Device).

Building from a NAS Device

When the qemu emulation isn’t working, or for any other issues with building the app inside the SDK, it’s possible to use an actual device.

Building from a NAS device is in fact done exactly as inside the NASOS SDK VM, using the rainbow command line utility.

The dependencies for the app must be installed first. To install them, you can use the App Manager interface or the rainbow utility. Please refer to the debugging for more details.

You will find the list of availables containers here.

Then you will need to copy the app project on the device, using e.g. scp or rsync. For this, you will first have to enable SSH on the device.

You could for example do:

scp -r <project_dir> admin@<nas_ip>:/tmp

Then, connect using ssh:

ssh admin@<nas_ip>

And, from the NAS:

sudo rainbow --install <container>.rbw
cd /tmp/<project_dir>
sudo rainbow --build .
sudo rainbow --pack .

The resulting package will be found in


Then refer to the debug section for instructions on how to install and test the app.

In the next section, you’ll learn how to publish your app once it’s finished.